In Ireland, you are never asked if your food is "to go", it's always "for here or take away?"
Now, I am in no way suggesting that they are leprechauns, but I have seen an inordinate number of little people here.
All of the street signs, billboards, posters and such are in both English and Irish (technically Irish Gaelic), kind of like Miami with Spanish...but no one here actually speaks Irish.
I'm not quite sure why, but every pub, club, and bar here in Dublin has at least one bouncer standing in front of it...complete with a secret service type earpiece. Just what is it from which they are protecting the general population?
I'm all in favor of short skirts, but...good grief! The girls over here, especially the younger ones, are wandering the streets in what amounts to a scarf tied around their waist. I don't think they realize how ridiculous they look. Although, maybe the skirts explain the need for the bouncers.
One of my favorite things about McDonalds has always been their straws. They have the sturdiest, biggest straws that you can find anywhere. Well, here in Dublin, McDonalds has decided to forego the traditional straw in favor of a cheesy, thin, bendy straw...very disappointing!
They have one of the best inventions ever in most of the public restrooms here. It is called a Dyson Airblade, and it dries your hands better than anything I have ever experienced. You stick your hands in and then pull them out slowly...about 10 seconds in all...and your hands are completely dry. On top of that, it is better for the environment too...check it out http://www.dysonairblade.com/homepage.asp
And now...the aforementioned and promised poem...

An Ode to Guinness
My goodness, my Guinness
what a beautiful sight!
your dark, chocolatey color
your aroma just right
With a thick frothy head
from your nitrogen pour
So smooth going down
I always want more
Your taste so unique
it's like no other
A meal in a glass
think I'll have another
Just four simple things
make this liquid feast
water and hops,
barley and yeast
Combined together
in just the right measure
they make an elixir
thats nothing but pleasure
If I overindulge
good thing I'm resiliant
my goodness, my Guinness