in the dark, still hours of the night
loneliness settles over me like a shroud
cold as the grave and as heavy as death
with a silence so complete it seems too loud
then the voices begin in their sibilant whisper
telling me things I don't want to believe
you're unloved, unwanted, unneeded, and useless
if you were to die there's no one would grieve
I know these are lies meant to torture my soul
so I block out the voices and send them away
I twist and I turn till I find some repose
let tomorrow be better is all that I pray
I wake to the dawn of a brand new day
full of promise and hope and blessings so great
there's life to live and love to share
but in the darkness, the voices...they wait
Great poem. Thanks for sharing. you've expressed something that many of us feel.
Ah... the night of the dark soul - Tell those voices to shut up; you're trying to get some sleep here!!! (nice poem!)
Hmm...you got me thinking so I did a little poking around online and found this website (among others) http://www.themystic.org/dark-night/index.htm. It says that this dark night is all about transformation and attaining higher consciousness. That coming out of this period, your ego sense of who you are will fall away and you will know your true self. Don't know that it is true, but I like the sound of it so I am going with it.
what an equisite poem.
beautifully raw.
totally dark night time. going through the dark tunnel, the fastest way out is plowing through it.
not sure the voices are lies though. they are just the ego hanging on. instead of telling them to go away, consider asking them what they want and need? they are only trying to protect you. but there is truth beyond them. embrace them, integrate them, feed them truth.
can i share this as a cross post on my blog? it's really fantastic.
Thank you for the kind words and feel free to share away
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