Now, not to be a pessimist, but with a very long plane ride and a climb up to a very frigid 20,000 feet, things could happen. That being the case, I wanted to take this opportunity to send some things out into the ether and to the hearts and minds of the various people involved.
First, to anyone that I have hurt, insulted, slighted, belittled, ignored, or in any other way mistreated, my sincerest apologies. These slights, whether intentional or not, do not point out your shortcomings, rather they point out flaws in my character. It is my intention to be more aware of how I treat people and not let my "stuff" affect that treatment. I hope that if you find yourself in this group of people, you can forgive me and help me to stay on target with this intention.
Next, to anyone who thinks that they have hurt me or given me some reason to be upset with them, all is forgiven and forgotten. Life is far too short to waste time and energy on depressed sulking, silly grudges and hurtful anger. With all the wonderfully different people on this Earth, there is bound to be some friction now and again, but we are all just trying to make our way along the path of our journey. It is my intention to allow any slights I am given to just flow over me and away, never allowing them to take root.
Finally, to all my friends and family, I just want you to know that I love you more than I can say. I'm not always the best person at staying in touch or showing people how important they are to me. However it may appear, you are all always on my mind and in my heart. You are the people who have made me who I am, guided me along my way and picked me up when I fell down. You've loved me when I didn't deserve it and shown me the good in myself when I couldn't see it. You've been with me to celebrate my good times and to console me through my bad times. I can't thank you enough or repay all of your kindnesses, so I will just send love out to all of you and let you know that you have made a difference in my life.
Whew! That was not exactly how I envisioned this post going, but it feels right and I feel better having said it. I wish all the best for all of you...have fun...take care...and I will see you when I return to regale you with tales of my adventures.
1 comment:
Your friends love you too!! Can't wait for your safe return and fantastic stories! :)
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